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‘Dreams’ player forced to remove his fan-made Mario assets

‘Dreams’ player forced to remove his fan-made Mario assets


Sony's long-awaited Dreams arrived earlier this year,a LittleBigPlanet-esque wonderland in which players can build almost any kind of world they can imagine -- but only if it doesn't infringe on copyright,apparently. According to Dreams content creator @Piece_of_Craft,"a big video game company" has come after him for his use of Nintendo's Super Mario character on the platform.

In a tweet,@Piece_of_Craft said that Nintendo had objected to his use of Mario in his Dreams project,and had called on Sony to pull his work offline. As such,his Mario projects -- used by many user-generated Super Mario levels -- are now on hold.

Good news and bad news

We flew too close to the sun boys! A big video game company who i will keep nameless obviously didn't read my "be cool" note in dreams

no worries though have a back up plan. But for now Mario projects in dreams are on hold until i put said plan into effect pic.twitter.com/ifGDM0jFZ3

— Piece of Craft (@Piece_of_Craft) March 20,2020It's no secret that Nintendo is fiercely protective of its intellectual property,although it's interesting that the company chose to pursue action via Sony,rather than approaching @Piece_of_Craft directly. Of course,Dreams does give players the opportunity to sell their work beyond the PS4,which opens up a whole new complicated avenue for potential copyright infringement,so Sony is clearly setting a firm precedent,going forward. So basically,you can dream big,but not too big.


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