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Waymo suspends all services until at least April 7th

Waymo suspends all services until at least April 7th

picture alliance via Getty Images

Waymo put most of its services on hold earlier this week,except for fully driverless rides in Phoenix and some testing,to slow the spread of COVID-19. Just a few days later,the Alphabet company has opted to suspend all of its services until April 7th at the very least.

This is "a temporary measure to keep our riders,trained drivers,and the entire Waymo team safe," the company said. Waymo will continue to monitor the coronavirus situation to determine when it's safe to kickstart its ride services again.

The company noted it will help its partners pay staff who had been scheduled to work on Waymo projects if they "if they have symptoms of COVID-19,can't come into work because they're quarantined,or if our service is suspended." It'll provide updates and tell customers when they can request one of its cars again via a help page,email and the Waymo app.


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