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Virgin Galactic will livestream its SpaceShipTwo cabin reveal on July 28th

Virgin Galactic will livestream its SpaceShipTwo cabin reveal on July 28th

Virgin Galactic

We’ve seen photos of Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo in flight,and we know what its Under Armour spacesuits will look like. Next,Virgin Galactic will offer a glimpse of the spaceship’s cabin. On July 28th,at 1pm ET,the company will host a live-streamed unveiling of the cabin,complete with a virtual walkthrough.

According to Virgin Galactic,the cabin interior is “the design centerpiece” of the SpaceShipTwo. Supposedly,it will quietly absorb “periods of sensory intensity,” which we assume means the extreme turbulence you’ll experience when you’re blasted into space. Given that Virgin Galactic is targeting space tourists,that level of comfort will be important.

“Ultimately,the interior of the spaceship was designed with one primary goal in mind,and that is to get the perfect view of Earth from space,” the company said in a video announcing the reveal.

During the livestream event,Virgin Galactic will also discuss a new digital platform that will bring “immersive versions” of its spaceflight and cabin interior to aspiring astronauts around the world.

“We now look forward to revealing our spaceship cabin design,which is progressive,beautiful and functional,” said Virgin Galactic CEO George Whitesides. “We are particularly delighted that,under current restrictions,we have been able to create an experience that we will be able to share with the millions of people around the world who dream of travelling to space.”

You can watch the livestream here:


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