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California push for zero-emissions heavy trucks starts in 2024

California push for zero-emissions heavy trucks starts in 2024


The state of California is requiring all trucks to be zero-emission beginning in 2024,thanks to a new mandate from the California Air Resources Board. The regulation,which CARB calls the “first in the world,”is meant to be a step towards California meeting its long-term emissions goals.

The rule would apply specifically to medium- and heavy-duty trucks weighing 8,500 pounds or more. Under the mandate,every new truck sold in California will be zero-emission by 2045,according to CARB. It further states that by 2035 the state will have an all zero-emission short-haul drayage fleet in ports and railyards,and that by 2040 there will be zero-emission “last-mile” delivery trucks and vans. 

CARB says trucks account for 70 percent of the smog-causing pollution and 80 percent of carcinogenic diesel soot in California,making them the biggest source of the state’s air pollution. The state is aiming for a 40 percent reduction in greenhouse gases by 2030,an 80 percent reduction in greenhouse gases by 2050 -- so,it makes sense bold mandates would be put forth to meet bold goals.

The mandate is just the latest in changes that would make zero-emission trucks more common on the highway. A group of electric utility companies in California,Oregon and Washington state are currently working to propose an EV-truck-friendly highway through the West Coast Clean Transit Corridor Initiative. More vehicle manufacturers,including Nikola,Toyota and Tesla. are trying to be part of the solution by working to get electric semi-trucks onto the market. 


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